Monday, January 17, 2011

Missed Connection Mondays

taco bell Monroe and Orange ave - w4m - 35 (32305)
We came in and ordered 48 were hot in a purple manager shirt...respond if you remember me

To the Men in Blue, Casselberry's Finest - SOO FINE!! - w4m - 32 (Casselberry)
Wow...we are SO sorry we missed the party!! You guys were SEXY. You responded to a call about a bum at a gas station - for some reason it took 6 patrol cars (think one was actually a Seminole County Sheriff's car). Wish we could have started the party right there. Are those handcuffs good for more than just the "bad guys"? Thanks for the sweet winks!! If you're not doing anything later..we could use some protection and service. ;)

Girl at Busch. m4w - m4w - 23 (Busch Gardens)
I used to think I was gay but I can't stop thinking of you! I feel so pathetic for feeling this way but I'm just so attracted to you. You were the most interesting and intelligent girl I've ever met, and I connected with you in a way I never connected with anyone. E-mail me please..

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